I thought that I was giving a conservative estimate for the publication date for The Legacy of Vashna in the Kai Grand Sentinel (our newsletter). In hindsight it wasn't conservative enough. It looks like it won't be available for another week or so. Sorry to disappoint anyone who put that date on their calendar.
As a reconciliation gift, I've been dabbling with an Atom feed as an alternative to this mailing list. The URL is:
For anyone who doesn't know about syndication, RSS, Atom, and other related terms, this amounts to a new way to get news and updated information from web sites. For a list of recommended software:
My preferred method is Bloglines, a web-based reader. To be honest, I use site feeds every day, but can't see what all the fuss is about. It just seems like a too-fancy, bandwidth intensive version of a good ol' mailing list. But don't let my Luddism stop you from using the feed. To each his own.
Working Hard on The Legacy of Vashna,
Jonathan Blake
Project Aon